Sunday, October 16, 2011

The morning after report

Well, it seems our little visitor wasn't easily discouraged.  About 10:30 last night, Ani called us from her place and reported he was back, peering in her window.  This morning we've just learned that he/she returned, snuffling on the windows, about every two hours.  At least it didn't try the skylight. answer to your question, Shawn...I don't know what we'll do. Hope it stops on its own, although it's clearly starving.  I don't think it has many options this close to winter.  It's just heart breaking.

I really don't want to call Fish and Game over this and have them "relocate" or worse.  I've heard there have been so many incidences this summer they're just killing them.  I couldn't live with myself after that.  It's a youngster...based on Ani's experience, we guessing about two years old, so I don't know if they even consider relocating youngsters.  Not to mention there is no place better to take it...the whole state is in crisis.

Sad, sad, sad.


Kim said...

It is sad that it is hungry but more than that it's just plain scary. I think I would jump out of my skin every time I heard a noise. Since it now knows there is food around, I think you should consider calling the relocation people.

Taos Sunflower said...

I know you're right, but we're going to give it another day or two before making that decision, just breaks my heart, because if you let them know he's already broken into a home, they'll kill him for sure. A tragedy all around. This is why it isn't cute or thoughtful or anything other word one can use for the excuses people have for feeding them (and I've known a few people who think it's OK to do).

Unknown said...

you'll know what to do when it's time martie. xxx

Unknown said...

maybe he will go to sleep soon, poor fellow. Meanwhile, keep the noise makers handy and treat like indoors like a campground; try to reduce any food-y smells to a minimum, and maybe put trip lines around the buildings so you know when he's prowling. Good luck to all of you.

Ter'e said...

Isn't this sad? I have been hearing tales that we have a 400# bear on the loose on our island! Yikes!!!!!! I hope he doesn't come and visit me.

Penni said...

Wow! Martie, what an experience!Hope he/she can find food elsewhere!