Saturday, January 26, 2008

Diet tips for spinners

In a few days, I'll be entering month six of Weight Watchers.  There have been some weeks it's been easier than others, and the month of December was a total wash.  That said, I somehow managed to stuff my face back at the farm in Illinois and not gain anything (proof that miracles do happen). Hollybamboorovings
I am now in the home stretch, with the last 15 lbs. to go, and I'm trying really hard to get creative about deserts.  Just two nights ago I finished the fabulous peanut butter and chocolate turtles that sweet Teresa and Bob hand carry to me from Neiman Marcus in Dallas (they are the utmost in decadence).  There were only two left, which is, in itself a miracle...since they brought them to me at Thanksgiving.  Let's just say I was staring at the last two and decided it was better to start month six with those babies off the table.Hollyrovingpersian

While we were working on fibers today, I kept looking over to the wall where I hang my fiber treasures.  The answer to a dieting spinner's prayers...yummy fibers to spin!  I decided to share some with you.  They are from my dear, sweet friend HollyEQQ,  who creates these beauties Hollyoptimpinks
from the inspiration she gets living at the beach in Florida.  I had been watching her site for some time before she decided to join us last fall for Lexi Boeger's Camp Pluckyfluff held at the shop.  We clicked immediately and I have become a devoted fan of her fibers.  If you're a spinner, or a felter, or know someone who is, check out her site.  She usually updates with new fibers every Sunday night, and most of the time they sell out don't be lagging!  ---Martie


HollyEQQ said...

You rock my world.

ann-marie said...

Holly's stuff is AWESOME to be sure! I'm pretty faithful to Sunflower, but since becoming familiar with Holly's spinning goodies, I spend a lot of time on her website. :)

Mandie said...

Congrats for sticking with the weight loss regime and losing so much weight - again you've re-inspired me to keep plodding on down here!
Aren't Holly's fibres just the absolute best...I have so many that they have their special tub...LOVE them!

Martie said...

I have today off and plan to spend most of it spinning her fibers...yippeeeeee! And now, I'm off to see her latest on!

Teresa said...

Congratulations on your diet! I am very proud of you!!

Martie said...

Thanks! Who knew chocolate was a diet food? :0)