Friday, December 3, 2010

Do you have our snow???

It appears that the predictions of a dry winter are true, so far. We've had gorgeous, sunny, days and if you didn't look at the calendar (or the thermometers), you'd think it was still fall. I know, I know...technically, it still is fall, but we should have winter snows by now, and especially considering our local economy is based largely on the business at the Taos Ski Valley.

A couple of days ago, Ani and I drove up to Pagosa Springs, Colorado. We saw some beautiful snow along the way. I'm posting a couple of photos to share with you...nothing worthy of National Geographic, but enough for you to get a little idea of the gorgeous vistas we saw.

This morning I finally got my act together and reopened my little Etsy shop. I've taken the last week to photograph new inventory, edit photos, give some thought to pricing. It's always so hard with the pricing, especially with the hand spun yarns. They always end up being a labor of love, no matter how you look at it; but then, I spin because I love to spin, not because I plan to sell it. I sell it because I can never use all that I can make.

Hope you're going to have a great weekend...stay safe and warm!

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