Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Far, far, away

I am in Sweden.

It seems so strange to say that, for some reason.  Maybe because I don't recall ever blogging from out of country, or because I haven't been here before, or maybe, just maybe, it's because I've been pretty firmly planted in the southwest the last good number of years.

At last, the spell has been broken and I am truly here, after years of plans made and cancelled.

Fall is here.  It was hot and sticky when I left San Diego last Friday.  Rain and autumn leaves are a nice change.  I am staying near the sea, which has that pungent odor I recall from my years as a child, visiting the beach at Santa Barbara.  Maybe it's the sea weed on the shore, or maybe it's that the air here is so fresh and brisk, things are more magnified.  It's lovely.  I wish I could share it with you.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Keep us posted on how the weather is there. Fall is the perfect time to travel, not too hot or cold.

Cathy G. said...

Hi Martie,
The photos look lovely! How awesome to be traveling this time of year..... and to Sweden!! Can't wait to see more photos! I've always wanted to visit there!
Enjoy every moment!!
Cathy G

Kim said...

Good for you! I hope you have a wonderful time

Liz said...

How exciting! Have a great vacation. I've always wanted to go there. :)