Friday, November 20, 2009

Slow day

Ever have one of those days when you can't quite get it off the ground? Today was one of those. First, I slept until almost 10:00 (I can sleep 11-12 hours if left to my own devices, shameful, isn't it). Then I did some laundry and decided it was time to get my Etsy shop reopened. I've been circling around it for weeks, being the Princess of Procrastination that I am.

This afternoon I managed to edit some photos of hand spun yarns and get a few new items listed. I plan to do more this coming week. I am going to slowly start bringing home items remaining in the shop that I no longer have use for. Next week I'll be photographing and listing New Zealand Corriedale rovings (dyed) in 4 oz. bundles at a super price. These are from Ashford and are great for adding to your own batts for spinning and even better for felting. If you know of anyone who does a lot of felting, please pass the word along.

And now, a couple of the photos I edited today. Have a great weekend!

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