Somewhere in the early 80s, I got caught up in the ritual of watching the Oscars. My friend Sherry hosted an annual party at her house, and a few of us would gather around trays of snacks, drink loads of champagne, and hoot and holler at her TV set.
Those were fun times, but long past. Sherry lives far away, I almost never see a film in a theater, I no longer drink or smoke, and my friends here in Taos couldn't care less about the Oscars...so I go it alone.*
After a three hour nap yesterday in preparation for my big night (yawn), I went upstairs to watch. About five minutes in, I realized I needed something else to do, so I sat and hooked those four hours.
Great choice! I rarely work up there at night and I got a lot done. I'm using up some wool I purchased last summer and dyed this fall and winter. It has a partial synthetic content, so it won't take enough dye to give a deep color...hence the pastels. After just finishing a mat hooked on someone else's pattern, this piece is freeform...I am drawing it as I go.
As for the Oscars...well...let's just say I'm glad I had something else to do.
*(Note that Mr. Sunflower has nothing to do with this. He was downstairs with his headphones on, watching a series on The History of Great Britain. I might well have been better served by joining him.)
I didn't watch any of the Oscars, but your hooking project is gorgeous! That looks like time well-spent.
Thanks, Ruthie! It's fun.
We watched the Oscars until we fell asleep. Wasn't time to take a nap in the afternoon. Good on your work. And, yes, those old days when we went to the movies! We still go, but rarely. --Jack.
I've been in the mood for some pastels lately. Your sunflower in pastels is awesome! I hope you show photos as you progress! Cathy G
Thanks, Cathy! I'm trying to get it finished in the next month, hope to post it then.
What a happy gathering of colors in your hooked piece Martie. Looks like the perfect thing to set you sights on during any gray days that pop back before spring. (Next week!) Love the design. I caught some of the Oscars too. We rarely get to a move house either. Took a vacation day from work on Friday and decided to remedy that with a matinee. No crowds! Saw Avatar/Avitar sp? Glad I went. Can't believe I had never seen a 3D movie before. Had me ducking a few times.
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