The weeks here are flying. I've shipped off a box of donation scarves to the Santa Fe Scarf Project, and knitted several hats and another scarf to stash for next year's donations. This project is in its 7th or 8th year, conceived and managed by one wonderful woman named Sarah Bienvenu. She collects donations from the local yarn shops (my customers used to donate to this project as well) and when they are all gathered, they have a wrapping party sometime just before Christmas. They are then delivered to the homeless shelter in Santa Fe (St. Elizabeth's) for Christmas presents. The population there used to be primarily men, but given the situation our country is in, you can well guess that there are also women and children in need of these gifts. It is one of the highlights of my year; I love donation knitting. As a woman I saw on television said recently (after donating approximately 700 scarves she made this last year, knitted, crocheted, sewn, etc.): I do it because it makes me feel good.
There's been some time to spin, which has been fun. I managed some time at the drum carder this last week so I could make some wool batts to spin over the holiday. We are slowly condensing all the "stuff" in what was once the yarn shop; this photo is about half of what remains in my "fiber department" and the amount of yarn left in inventory is now down to not enough to worry about for now. It feels good. I never dreamed it would take two years to get to this place.
For those of you who have been suffering these horrible winter storms...my heart goes out to you. Forgive me for whining that we've not had snow (although some is predicted for tonight).
Off now to take care of more piles of paper. Hoping you're all well and warm.
Nice to see you Marti!
You are really a love. The world would be a better place with more Martie's!
It's wonderful to have you home and to see the wonderful, beautiful colors you work with throughout the year. They take my breath!
What a great cause for knitting! We have a group of ladies that crochet hats and blankets for our babies in the NICU where I work. It really means a lot to the families and makes them feel good too knowing that someone has taken the time to care.
Liz: After seeing my new grand daughter get her first little cap at the hospital, it made me want to make those, too...too many needs, not enough time!
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