Saturday, June 11, 2011

Preserving little pieces of our histories

About ten years ago, I worked part time in the little mercantile in Arroyo Seco. I "rescued" some old, hand pieced, quilt tops, along with many hand pieced blocks that had never been assembled into a quilt. I'm guessing, from the fabrics, that most of them are from the 30s and 40s.

One of the tops I rescued had been pieced onto papers from the Daily Oklahoman (1942). I didn't realize it until I got it home and unfolded had just been in a small wad, shoved in a shelf, and I knew it needed to be taken home. All these years later, I have finally found the perfect home for it...and sent it to Deb Rowden, in Kansas, whose blog I've followed most of this past year. I couldn't be more delighted.

What's next? I have a set of 22 of these hand made Sunbonnet Sue blocks. Judging from the fabric, they may be the same era. I am going to find a perfect home for them, as well...and keep these historical items in the hands of those who appreciate them.

I had to laugh this week when I saw that Cathy at Orange Sink was musing about what to do with some blocks that are so similar, they might have come from the same maker. I guess it's spring cleaning time, for sure!


Cathy G. said...

LOVE your new blog header photo Martie!
I checked out Deb's blog and it is really an interesting blog. I've always felt that way about preserving these old fabrics and have quite a lot of old quilts in my cupboards around here besides the unfinished one of Grt. Grandmas. I am going to follow her blog and see if I can learn something!
Thanks for the mention and I know we'll be talking more!
Cathy G

Taos Sunflower said...

Thanks, Cathy. Your changing your banner photos has inspired me to "clean house" and re-do my own blog...took this picture a few days ago just for fun and liked it so much, it is. Sort of like painting and redecorating without much work!